A regular meeting of the Board was held on Monday, June 14, 1999 at 4:30 p.m. in Borders bookstore in Albany, New York.
Present: Jean Root-Mahalov, President; Ellen Fladger; Nancy Langford; Elizabeth Corbett; Katherine Chansky; Craig Carlson.
The meeting was called to order at 4:30.
I. Minutes
Minutes of the April 19, 1999 meeting were approved as corrected.
II. Additions to Board
The addition of two new Board members, Jessica Lacher-Feldman and Elizabeth Corbett, were approved. The resignations of Albert Fowler, Geoff Huth, Vicki Weiss, and Ruth Copans were accepted.
III. Change in Board
Katherine Chansky resigned as Secretary, Elizabeth Corbett was approved as new Secretary.
IV. Newsletter
A resolution of thanks was extended to Vicki Weiss for her lengthy service in producing the Capital Area Archivists Newsletter.
A replacement newsletter editor will need to be identified; Ellen Fladger suggested that Jean Mahalov contact Denis Meadows, membership chair, for suggestions on who may be interested in editing the newsletter.
V. Upcoming Trip to Peebles Island
The upcoming trip to Peebles Island was discussed; Craig Carlson agreed to contact Denis Meadows to prepare a flyer. It was noted that an RSVP date will need to be established to give trip planners adequate lead time.
VI. Fall Meeting
Jean Mahalov suggested that the Board meet again in September, the specific date to follow.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Elizabeth Corbett