A regular meeting of the board was held on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 4:30 p.m. in Borders bookstore in Albany, New York.
Present: Ellen Fladger; Jessica Lacher-Feldman; Nancy Langford; Jean Root Mahalov; Elizabeth Putnam; Geoffrey Williams.
Jean Root Mahalov, President, called the meeting to order at 4:40.
I. Minutes
The minutes of the September 7, 1999 meeting were approved.
II. Directory of Board Members
Elizabeth circulated a draft directory of board members and corrections were made as needed. The updated listing will be distributed at the next meeting.
III. Winter and Spring Meetings
Jean reported that Gretchen Koerpel of RPI has agreed to host CAA’s winter meeting. Ellen suggested finding an architect who is familiar with the design of special collections spaces to speak at the meeting. Geoff commented that it might be difficult to find such an architect; we should find someone who could share the architect’s perspective on space planning. Jessica, whose husband is an architect, said that she knows of at least one architect who would be willing to be involved.
Board members agreed that the winter meeting should be held either January 20 or 27, 2000 (depending on Gretchen’s availability), to start at 4 or 4:30 p.m. Jean will check the dates with Gretchen and notify the board of the final date chosen.
The spring meeting was confirmed for April 27, 2000.
IV. Newsletter and Website
Jean reminded everyone that Jessica has been working on the CAA newsletter and website. Jessica then reported on her progress. Website sections will include: upcoming events, current and previous minutes, current and previous newsletters, directory of members and officers, recommended links, and treasurer’s reports. Jessica suggested creating a virtual exhibit of images from member institutions. Images may be sent to her via e-mail (tomjes@capital.net) in .jpg format with an attached explanation. Jessica then asked for other suggestions for the website, and Geoff recommended adding a list of past CAA programs. Geoff also expressed concern with posting a membership list on the website. He suggested getting permission from members before adding their names to the web listing.
Jessica spoke to Vikki Weiss, who said that the newsletter had an October, January, and April publication schedule. Board members agreed that the next newsletter should be published in January. Jessica may solicit advertisements from Gaylord or University Products for the newsletter, but Geoff suggested that she look into how that may change CAA’s tax status. It was agreed that the following items would be included in the next newsletter: a report on the Peeble’s Island trip by Jean, the Schenectady History Alliance by Ellen, LOAC by Geoff, notification of a contest to design a new CAA logo, a note on new archivist appointments (Brian Keough, Caleb Derven, Susan D’Entremont), new acquisitions among member institutions, and a report on the SAA conference by Jessica and/or Jean. It was agreed that a flier on the winter meeting would be printed separately and folded into the newsletter. The deadline for newsletter stories is December 15.
V. Announcements
Geoff announced that the State Archives is moving. He also announced that a new regional archivist, Susan D’Entremont, has been hired by DHP.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Putnam, Secretary, CAA
November 9, 1999