September 2, 2003

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capital Area Archivists was held on Tuesday, September 2, 2003at the M. E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives at the University at Albany.

Board members present: Jean Root Mahalov, Molly Beisler, Brian Keough, Susan D’Entremont, Craig Carlson, Chris Hunter, Amy Schindler, Peter Runge, Bonnie Weddle, Rich Sloma

Jean Root Mahalov, President, called the meeting to order at 4:20 p.m.

I. Minutes
The minutes of the April 12, 2003 meeting were approved.

II. Membership
Rich Sloma, Membership Chair gave the membership report. Twenty-five individuals have renewed or joined since the last meeting; only four of these were new members. Board agreed that Rich would e-mail all members with e-mail addresses listed to solicit renewals. There will also be a renewal form and an invitation to join CAA in the Fall newsletter.

III. Financial Report
Brian Keough verbally submitted the Treasurer’s report:
Checkbook balance, 09/1/03 $1724
Revenue $25
Dues: $25
Expenses $00??

CAA supposedly sponsored a breakfast at the LOAC conference at Skidmore College in June 2003 with $150.00. It appears that CAA did not send them a check. Brian Keough will talk to Geoff Williams to figure out what happened with this sponsorship.

IV. CAA Newsletter
Molly Beisler, newsletter editor, reported that the Fall newsletter is almost ready to be mailed. Once the Fall program date and location is confirmed, that information will be added and the newsletter will be copied and mailed from the M. E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives.

V. Future Programs
Pending agreement from Judy Hohmann at the New York State Archives, the CAA Fall program will be an informal roundtable about publicity and archives. It will be co-sponsored by CDLC and (probably) the New York State Archives. It will be held at 5:30 p.m. and a light dinner will be provided by CAA.

[Editor’s note: The Fall program is scheduled for November 18th, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the College of St. Rose.]

VI. Board Members
Peter Runge has joined the Board as the representative for the SISP SAA Student Group. Molly Beisler announced that she will be resigning from the CAA Board since she is moving to Nevada. This will leave the positions of Secretary and Newsletter Editor vacant. Amy Schindler has agreed to take over as Secretary. The office of Vice President is also vacant. To try to fill the vacant positions, Jean Root Mahalov will write a brief article to put in the newsletter to try to recruit new Board members and officers.

VII. Upcoming Events and Announcements
The next MARAC meeting will be Oct. 30-Nov. 1 in Gettysburg, PA.

The deadline for Documentary Heritage Program grant applications has been moved up; applications will be due on Dec. 1, 2003 for the 2004-2005 grant cycle.

The 8th Annual Capital Region Archives Dinner will be on Wed., October 1, 2003 at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY.

VIII. Future Meetings
The next meeting of the CAA Board was not determined.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Molly Beisler