September 7, 1999

A regular meeting of the board was held on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 4:30 p.m. in Borders bookstore in Albany, New York.

Present: Dorothy Christiansen; Elizabeth Corbett; Jessica Lacher-Feldman; Denis Meadows; Jean Root Mahalov; Geoffrey Williams.

Jean Root Mahalov, President, called the meeting to order at 4:50.

I. Minutes
Minutes of the June 14, 1999 were approved.

II. Peebles Island
Plans for the September 23 visit to Peebles Island were reviewed. Jean Root Mahalov and Jessica Lacher-Feldman agreed to supply refreshments. Geoffrey Williams will bring plates, cups, and napkins (if he is able to attend).

III. Newsletter and Website
Jessica Lacher-Feldman offered to take over the responsibilities for editing the CAA newsletter and creating a CAA website. Jessica distributed newsletter design examples for the consideration of the board. Geoffrey Williams suggested contacting the State Archives, the State Library, CDLC, and DHP for information and event listings to include in the newsletter. Geoffrey also suggested posting the newsletter on the CAA website when it is established.

IV. Announcements
Geoffrey Williams announced that the LOAC (Lake Ontario Archives Conference) conference will be held at the University at Albany this year.

V. Winter and Spring Meetings
Elizabeth Corbett asked if University at Albany would provide a tour of their new library for CAA members. Dorothy Christiansen and Geoffrey Williams agreed, and suggested the library as the location for an upcoming meeting. Geoffrey suggested waiting until the spring to do the tour, so it could be tied into a labor-themed program, which would include displays, a public program, a tour, and the CAA spring meeting. The spring meeting was tentatively scheduled for Thursday, April 27, 2000.
Jessica Lacher-Feldman suggested an architecture-themed program, perhaps delivered by an architectural historian. It was agreed that the winter meeting could address archival space and its design. A panel discussion could include an architect as well as local librarians and archivists who have recently experienced a move to a new or newly renovated library or archives (University at Albany, Union, Skidmore, RPI). Possible locations identified for the meeting are RPI or the Sanford Town Library in Colonie. The winter meeting will be scheduled for January, 2000.

VI. Treasurer’s Report
Dorothy Christiansen reviewed the treasurer’s reports for July 1, 1998-June 30, 1999 and July 1, 1999-September 7, 1999. She noted that the checkbook balance has remained close to even throughout the period covered (currently $1,048.99).

VII. Next Meeting
The next Board meeting was scheduled for November 8, 1999 at Borders bookstore.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Corbett, Secretary, CAA
September 9, 1999