March 7, 2000

A regular meeting of the board of Capital Area Archivists was held on Tuesday, March 7, 2000 at 4:30 p.m. in Borders bookstore in Albany, New York.

Present: Dorothy Christiansen; Jessica Lacher-Feldman; Nancy Langford; Jean Root Mahalov; Denis Meadows; Elizabeth Putnam; Geoffrey Williams.

Jean Root Mahalov, President, called the meeting to order at 4:43.

I. Minutes
The minutes of the November 9, 1999 meeting were approved as amended. The minutes were corrected to indicate that the State Archives is remodeling, not moving.

II. Financial Report
The financial report of FY 1999 to 2000 was approved.

III. Directory of Board Members
Elizabeth circulated a draft directory of board members and corrections were made as needed. The updated listing will be distributed at the next meeting.

IV. Announcements
Jessica announced that she has accepted a position in the University Archives of the University of Alabama. Jean pointed out that we will need a new newsletter editor and webmaster. Elizabeth volunteered to work on the website, and Jessica noted that the School of Information Science and Policy will continue to host the site.

Jean announced that she sent a note to Father Julian Davies to congratulate him on the development of the new Siena College archives.

V. Spring Meeting
The spring meeting will be held on April 27, 2000 at 4:30. Dorothy announced that the location will be the Helderberg Room in the new University at Albany library. Members of the library’s Special Collections staff will lead meeting participants on a tour of the new library and Brian Keough, Curator of Manuscripts, will speak about the library’s labor exhibit. Geoff will speak to Brian about coming up with a definitive program for the meeting, and about the possibility of inviting staff of other repositories with labor-related collections to discuss their holdings. Dorothy will arrange for refreshments.

VI. Calls for Volunteers
Jean has joined the Capital Region Archives Dinner Committee. She reported that this year’s dinner will be at the Glen Sanders Mansion, and that the theme will likely be canals. Jean asked for volunteers to assist in the preparation and planning. The board approved a motion to co-sponsor the event for at least one year.

Dorothy requested volunteers to assist the LOAC (Lake Ontario Archives Conference) Local Arrangements Committee.

VII. Membership
Jean and Geoff opened a discussion about the possibility of inviting several additional members to join the board. Elizabeth suggested developing a brochure to help expand membership, and Dorothy indicated that one might already exist. She offered to look in the CAA archives to try to find an existing brochure. Nancy offered to work on updating the brochure.

Geoff suggested making the SAA student chapter president an ex-officio member of the board. Susan D’Entremont, the new DHP Regional Archivist, can also be asked to join the board.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Putnam, Secretary, CAA
March 7, 2000