April 10, 2001

A regular meeting of the board of Capital Area Archivists was held on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 in Borders bookstore in Albany, New York.

Present: Craig Carlson; Susan D’Entremont (with special guest Sophie D’Entremont!); Rebecca Hatcher; Gretchen Koerpel; Jean Root Mahalov; Denis Meadows; Elizabeth Putnam; Geoffrey Williams.

Jean Root Mahalov, President, called the meeting to order at 4:40.

I. Minutes
The minutes of the January 16, 2001 meeting were approved.

II. Financial Report
Due to the absence of the Treasurer, the financial report will be presented at the next meeting.

III. Membership Report
Denis circulated a listing of members and outstanding dues. He also announced that he has left the State Archives to work for the Office of Technology. As the Office of Technology is new, he does not have the same resources to send out and collect membership forms. He feels he should step down as Membership Chair, but he will remain in that position until a replacement is found. A discussion about possible replacements followed. Geoff suggested that someone from the State Archives succeed Denis, because it benefits CAA to have representation from the state, and also because much of our membership is from the state. Denis will ask Geoff Huth to suggest possible replacements. The idea of acquiring a CAA post office box was revisited, but again rejected due to the continually shifting roles and geographic distance of so many of the board members. The question of what address to report to the state education department in our annual report was brought up, and it was decided that the current president’s address will be used as the contact address for the organization. Denis will include a membership dues form with the flyer for the spring meeting.

IV. Newsletter
Caleb Derven was unable to attend the meeting, but Jean reported that he expects to have the newsletter complete within a month. He is still accepting last-minute additions to the newsletter, and can be reached at cderven@mail.nysed.gov

V. Spring Meeting
Elizabeth reported that Sandy Stuart from the New York State Freedom Trail Commission will speak at the spring meeting. Board members discussed the question of where to hold the meeting. Geoff and Gretchen both offered their facilities, and Geoff will check on the availability of the Standish Room at the University at Albany library. If it is unavailable, Gretchen will host at RPI. Geoff suggested that we send out spring program brochures to the NAACP, the Urban League and other groups who may be interested in attending the program. The Standish Room can accommodate a large audience; if it is available for the program, we will send flyers to those groups. Because of the potential for a large audience, attendees will be asked to RSVP to Elizabeth. Geoff suggested the Albany Public Library or the Albany County Hall of Records as future meeting sites.

VI. Constitution and By-laws
Adherence to the election and term-of-office stipulations in the CAA constitution and by-laws was discussed. As the terms of many officers are nearing two years (the term stated in the by-laws), the spring program will also serve as our annual meeting and elections will be held. Geoff explained the process, whereby nominations will be called for (particularly for a vice president), and in the absence of new nominations, a motion to continue the current slate of officers will be made. Also, the election should confirm the nomination of our newest board members. A brief business meeting will precede Sandy Stuart’s presentation.

VII. Announcements and Other Business
Elizabeth noted that the CAA website, created by Rebecca, looks fantastic. Denis added that he had been able to locate it through the Yahoo search engine.

Geoff announced that Rebecca won the Pritchard Award for her work on the mural in the University at Albany library. Jean noted that we should contact Caleb to have that added to the newsletter.

Gretchen announced that she will be leaving her position at RPI to do consulting work, but the library at RPI can still be used as a venue for CAA meetings and programs.

Elizabeth mentioned an interest in establishing an occasional informal gathering of archivists in order to “talk shop” and provide networking opportunities. A few members indicated an interest in such a venture. Elizabeth will make arrangements and send notification.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Putnam, Secretary, CAA
January 24, 2001