September 11, 2000

A regular meeting of the board of Capital Area Archivists was held on Monday, September 11, 2000 in Borders bookstore in Albany, New York.

Present: Dorothy Christiansen; Nancy Langford; Jean Root Mahalov; Denis Meadows; Elizabeth Putnam; Geoffrey Williams.

Jean Root Mahalov, President, called the meeting to order at 4:40.

I. Minutes
The minutes of the March, 2000 meeting were approved.

II. Financial Report
The financial report of FY 2000/01 (July 1- Sept. 11, 2000) was approved.

III. Change in Board
Dorothy Christiansen resigned from her position as CAA Treasurer. A motion to accept Dot’s resignation and welcome Brian Keough as the new Treasurer was forwarded by Nancy and seconded by Elizabeth.

The Board would like to express formal thanks to Dot for her years of dedicated service to the Capital Area Archivists.

IV. Website
Elizabeth has begun sketching out designs for a CAA website logo. Board members advised on choice of a logo design.

Jean noted that Elizabeth should be in touch with Caleb Derven (who will be working on the CAA newsletter) to coordinate the design of the website and newsletter. It was also suggested that the website contain a listing of past and upcoming CAA programs (Dot will forward a listing of past programs to Elizabeth).

V. Membership
Denis is working on an updated membership list.

Jean will send invitations to join the board to Susan D’Entremont (the regional archivist) and Rebecca Hatcher (CAA student chapter president).

VI. Fall Meeting
Members discussed possible locations for the fall meeting. Suggestions included Siena, the Dudley Observatory (with a theme of collecting records of science), Daughters of Charity (with a theme of religions records), Boys and Girls Academy, or the Hudson Mohawk Gateway. The meeting will be scheduled for early to mid-November, around 4:30 or 5:00 p.m. Geoff suggested a theme of “preserving your personal papers/family history,” and Nancy suggested a professional development theme.

Nancy will contact Tom Carroll of the Hudson Mohawk Gateway to find out if he would be interested in hosting the meeting, and if not, Jean will try the Daughters of Charity.

Geoff suggested that the newsletter (and the website) contain a contact number for people to call if they wold like to volunteer to host a program.

VII. Announcements
Geoff announced the upcoming SHRAB (State Historical Records Advisory Board) meeting at the Colonie library.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Putnam, Secretary, CAA
September 11, 2000