December 12, 2001

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capital Area Archivists was held on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 at Borders bookstore in Albany, New York.

Present: Jean Root Mahalov, Kevin Glick, Molly Gossen, Brian Keough,
Elizabeth Putnam, Rich Sloma, Geoff Williams

Jean Root Mahalov, President, called the meeting to order at 4:52 p.m.

I. Minutes
The minutes of the September 19, 2001 meeting were approved with the
following amendment:

-Item IV on page 1: Molly Gossen is from the Foundation of the New York
State Nurses Association.

II. Membership Report
Rich gave the membership report. There were 92 active members in 2001
(including 11 new members). Kevin would like to add links to members’
institutions to the website. Rich agreed to send him a list of institutions. Rich suggested cutting down on printing and mailing costs by sending e-mail membership renewals, newsletters, etc., or using postcard mailers instead of full-sized paper/envelopes. He also suggested sending the newsletter to institutions (not just individual members). Further discussion about membership resulted in the following suggestions: Kevin- expand membership through the Archives Dinner, also look for members/event participants through the SAA student chapter; Molly- hold more events (perhaps 4 a year?) to build membership. Rich mentioned that there will be a membership drive in January.

III. Spring Program
Jean called for suggestions for the spring program date, location and
topic. Rich suggested the newly renovated Rensselaer County Historical
Society (RCHS). Other suggestions were the Foundation of the New York
State Nurses Association or the Albany Hall of Records. Brian mentioned
that there will be many events going on in Albany in the spring in honor of the city’s 350th anniversary, so perhaps we should hold the program elsewhere. Rich will contact Jim Corsaro at RCHS. Geoff suggested doing a genealogy program again sometime in the future, as it always brings in a crowd. Rich suggested that we look into the NYS Military Museum and Research Center (opening in Saratoga Springs) as a possible future program site.

IV. Officers
Jean reminded everyone that we need a Secretary as well as a Vice President and Newsletter Editor. Jean is considering asking Helen from the Mental Health Association in New York State if she will join us as newsletter editor. Rich suggested that Jennifer O’Neil at the State Archives might be interested in serving as an officer. Jean will contact Helen and Jennifer. Molly Gossen was unanimously voted in as Secretary.

V. Treasurer’s Report
Brian gave the Treasurer’s report. The checkbook balance of December 1,
2001 was $1,540.92. Jean suggested, and Brian approved, that funds be
used to subsidize board members’ refreshments at board meetings. Brian
again suggested using some of the balance towards an ad or a sponsored
coffee break at the upcoming MARAC meeting in Poughkeepsie. Brian will
look into this. Kevin suggested purchasing a new CAA sign or banner.

VI. Newsletter
Send any newsletter items to Jean, as she and Brian will work on the next newsletter. She would like to have a newsletter out by February 15. There was a discussion on the frequency of the newsletter- it will depend on securing a regular newsletter editor. Rich suggested that if we continue producing the newsletter in print, that we have Kinko’s do the copying and labeling.

VI. Other Business
Jean applauded the terrific fall program, which brought in a large audience.

Jean read a notice that she received from the NY Council for the
Humanities looking for speakers for their “Speakers in the Humanities
Program.” If anyone is interested, Jean can give them the contact

Kevin requested input on the website. Everyone indicated satisfaction with the layout. Further suggestions included expanding the events listing (to include events outside of CAA). Everyone should e-mail their event notices to Kevin for inclusion on the website. Jean suggested getting our own URL/domain name (ex: Kevin will look into the cost.

Discussion was held about board meeting days and locations. Meetings may be switched to Thursdays, and may be held at a bar or another location in the future (Albany Pump Station, Sutter’s Beff’s).

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Putnam