A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capital Area Archivists was held on Tuesday, April 3, 2007 at Uncommon Grounds Coffee Shop in Albany, New York.
Board members present: Susan D’Entremont, John Diefenderfer, Rachel Donaldson, Chris Hunter, Michael Martin, Sean Heather McGraw, Bonnie Weddle and Geoff Williams.
John Diefenderfer, President, called the meeting to order at 5:15 pm.
I. Approval of Minutes of the July 19, 2006 Meeting
Minutes were approved. Respectfully Submitted, Susan D’Entremont
II. Officer’s Reports
A. Newsletter Editor
Rachel Donaldson reported that she needs news for the Spring newsletter, which will be printed in a few weeks. Rachel will be moving to Richmond, Virginia in July, so a new newsletter editor is needed. Sean Heather McGraw volunteered to be the new editor.
B. Treasurer
Brian Keough was unable to attend the meeting, but he sent a treasurer’s report. Since our July meeting we have had no income and $486.14 in expenses: $100 for the Capital District mixer at the August 2006 Society of American Archivists meeting in Washington, DC; $41.14 for food at the CAA mixer at Lark Tavern, September 2006; $200 for Capital Region Archives Dinner sponsorship, October 2006; and $145 for sponsorship of the SAA electronic records distance learning workshop, January 2007. The current balance is $1,206.39
C. Membership Chair
Chris Hunter reported 6 new members have joined in 2007. Many memberships have lapsed. Chris is stepping down as membership chair. Michael Martin is the new chair.
III. Programming
A. SAA Workshop Fall 2007
The SAA Education Director has approached John Diefenderfer about CAA cosponsoring a workshop in the Capital District. CAA’s main responsibility would be to secure a space for the workshop. The three workshops suggested by SAA are: 1) Becoming a Film-Friendly Archivist; 2) Describing Photographs in an Online Environment and 3) Ethics in Archives. The Board agreed that Describing Photographs in an Online Environment would generate the most interest among local archivists. Concern was expressed about finding an appropriate space if the workshop requires computer work stations for all participants. This kind of space is very difficult to find free of charge in the region. John will ask SAA about the space requirements.
B. Summer Program/Annual Meeting
The date of the CAA Annual Meeting was discussed. Technically, it is supposed to be before July 1, but the New York Archives Conference is June 13-15, and the Conference on New York State History is June 7-9. The Board agreed to hold the meeting in June or July, but to avoid the dates mentioned above. The Annual Meeting also includes a program. We will try to have a program on using historical records in the classroom. Stacy Draper of Rensselaer County Historical Society and Henry Mueller of the Upstate New York Teaching of American History Project have done a program on this. Susan D’Entremont will ask them if they are willing to do a program this spring for CAA.
IV. Donor Agreement for CAA Records
Years ago, CAA agreed to donate its records to the University at Albany, but a donor agreement was never completed. Geoff Williams suggested that the standard UAlbany agreement be modified to include a clause that the records will be offered back to CAA in the event that UAlbany determines they no longer want them. This suggestion was approved by the Board. John Diefenderfer will pursue with Brian Keough, UAlbany.
V. Institutional Memberships
The issue of institutional membership was seen as too problematic for CAA at this time. First, CAA needs to get better control of individual memberships and renewals. Secondly, there is the problem of vendors wanting to become institutional members to obtain access to the mailing list. The Board voted to keep the membership structure the same. Institutions are welcome to join at the individual member rate.
VI. NHPRC Funding Update
Once again, NHPRC has been zeroed out in the president’s budget. Bonnie Weddle distributed information on NHPRC and guidelines for writing letters to Congress about NHPRC. New York Archives Conference, State Historical Records Advisory Board, and Capital Area Archivists have all submitted testimony in support of NHPRC. Bonnie urged Board Members to write individual letters to members of Congress, focusing on the House of Representatives first. The Board also approved John Diefenderfer writing a letter in support of NHPRC on behalf of CAA.
VII. Other
Bonnie Weddle announced that the New York State Archives Civil Service Exam is being offered for the first time in five years. Anyone who may be interested in working at the Archives in the upcoming years should apply.
John Diefenderfer announced that Amy Rupert is interested in coordinating another CAA pot luck.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan D’Entremont