October 14, 2004

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capital Area Archivists was held on Thursday, October 14, 2004 at Uncommon Grounds in Albany, New York.

Board members present: Craig Carlson, Susan D’Entremont, Rachel Donaldson, Jean Root Green, Brian Keough, Amy Rupert, Amy Schindler, Bonnie Weddle and Geoff Williams.

Amy Schindler, President, called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm.

I. Approval of Minutes of June 11, 2004 meeting
Minutes were approved.

II. Membership Report/Membership Recruitment Efforts
There was no membership report. [Chris Hunter later reported that there are 56 paid members and an active mailing list of 90.] Amy Schindler stated that a membership renewal form was sent with the upcoming event mailing. CAA may also want to work with the Documentary Heritage Program to recruit members.

III. Financial Report
Brian Keough reported that the checkbook balance on June 11, 2004 was $1,603.27. From June to October 2004 CAA had no revenue and an expense of $250 for sponsorship of the Spring 2005 MARAC conference in Albany. Checkbook balance on October 14, 2004 is $1,353.27.

IV. Annual Meeting/Programs for Winter and Spring
Timing of the next program was discussed. Because so many local people are involved in planning the Spring MARAC conference in Albany, it would be difficult for CAA to sponsor an event in March, April or early May. It was decided that the next event will be in late May or early June. It will include the annual meeting and a program. Religious archives was suggested as a program topic. Many religious institutions holding archives were mentioned as possible participants: St. John the Evangelist, Schenectady; Unitarian churches in both Schenectady and Albany; St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Albany; Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany; St. Sophia’s Greek Orthodox Church, Albany; Daughters of Charity; First Church in Albany; and Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondolet. It was also suggested that we invite representatives from area churches, mosques and temples even if they do not have an archives. This would give the representatives an introduction to the archival community and a forum to ask questions. Geoff Williams suggested “The Holy Grail: Discovering the Treasures of Religious Archives in the Capital District” as a title. Jean Root Green will look into the possibility of using the Hubbard Interfaith Sanctuary at The College of Saint Rose for the program. The Church of St. Vincent de Paul education building on Madison Ave, Albany was mentioned as another possibility.

V. MARAC Albany Meeting
Geoff Williams, MARAC Program Committee Co-chair, reported on the session topics and speakers planned to date. Geoff reminded CAA Board Members to register only as a CAA member so CAA gets a portion of the meeting’s proceeds. Amy Schindler will send an email to all CAA members in late January to alert them to this. Amy will also search for an allegedly existing CAA banner. If found, it will be hung at the hotel during the conference.

VI. Capital Region Archives Dinner Wrap Up
The long-standing Archives Dinner Committee may want to shift more responsibility for planning the 2005 meeting to CAA. This will be discussed at the Dinner Committee’s wrap-up meeting this winter. Anyone with ideas for a speaker or site for the 2005 dinner should share them with last year’s committee members. The Century House in Latham was mentioned as a possible site.

VII. Other Business
Susan D’Entremont announced digitization demos at the Capital District Library Council on October 27 and 28, 2004. Bonnie Weddle announced that legislation eliminating the sunset on the Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund was passed, and she thanked all supporters. Bonnie also announced that the State Archives research room will be closed the first week of November and staff may be difficult to reach. The renovated 11th floor research room is expected to have a public opening on November 20th. This date may change. Check the State Archives web site for details.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan D’Entremont