March 14, 2006 (Annual Meeting)

The annual meeting of the Capital Area Archivists was held on March 14, 2006 at the Albany Public Library in Albany, New York.

Amy Schindler, President, called the meeting to order at 4:09 pm.

CAA President Amy Schindler introduced and thanked Ellen Gamache, Local History Librarian at the Albany Public Library. Ellen gave some details about the Local History Collection [].

Annual Election. Ballots collected by Rachel Donaldson.
Amy S. urged anyone interested in serving on the CAA Board to let her know.

Amy S. gave details of becoming a CAA member.

Bonnie Weddle from the New York State Archives spoke on the crisis regarding National Historical Publications and Records Commission [NHPRC] funding for 2007. No funding has been provided in the President’s budget for this which means no money for grants or administration of the NHPRC. She urged attendees to contact their representatives [e.g. John Sweeney, Senator Clinton, Senator Schumer] and inform them of the importance of the NHPRC. She suggested that letters be faxed to ensure attention. Handouts with information and contact information for local representative were provided.

The members present passed the following resolution by unanimous vote:

Whereas, the National Historical Records and Publications Commission constitute the only federal program that focuses upon historical records programs and projects;

And whereas, the NHPRC’s grant programs reach small, grassroots organizations that no other federal program reaches;

And whereas, the preservation of the nation’s historical record is essential to the continued functioning of our democracy and our economy;

Therefore, be it RESOLVED that the membership of the Capital Area Archivists of New York urges that Congress allocate $10 million for the NHPRC’s current programs and $10 million to initiate the Partnership for the American Historical Record program.

Amy S. announced the upcoming May 18 workshop “It’s Like I Can Touch You: Care of 3D Archival Collections” to be held in the Standish Room on the 3rd Floor of the Science Library at the University of Albany. The event is sponsored by the Capital Area Archivists and the University at Albany Libraries’ Preservation Department and will feature Gwen Spicer, local textile preservationist. The event is free to CAA members and University Libraries staff, $5 for others.

It was also announced that the 2006 New York Archives Conference (formerly LOAC) will be held at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY on June 14-16.

Amy S. announced that an Ad Hoc Program Planning Committee had been formed consisting of Jean L. Root Green, John Diefenderfer, Amy Schindler, Karen Cannell, and Emily Southworth to assist in planning for future CAA events.

Sean Heather McGraw, SAA Student Chapter Liaison, introduced herself. She announced that the chapter was hoping to do a program on comic book preservation and printing sometime in April or May. Also, acting in her capacity as DHP [Documentary Heritage Program], she announced that the DHP is working on a needs assessment with teachers and librarians of local school districts. She asked members to let her know if they had any ideas or thoughts for the assessment survey.

There was a round of self-introductions by those present.

4:38PM Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Jean L. Root Green, Board Member