A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capital Area Archivists was held on Thursday, February 22, 2005, at Uncommon Grounds in Albany, NY.
Board members present: Craig Carlson, Susan D’Entremont, Rachel Donaldson, Amy Schindler and Bonnie Weddle.
Guest: Sophia Jones
Amy Schindler, President, called the meeting to order at 4:35 pm.
I. Approval of Minutes of October 14, 2004 Meeting
Minutes were approved.
II. Membership Report/Membership Recruitment Efforts
There was no membership report.
III. Financial Report
Amy Schindler distributed a financial report compiled by Brian Keough. The report stated that the checkbook balance on October 14, 2004 was $1,353.27. From October 2004 to February 2005 CAA had $160.00 in revenue and expenses of $44.38 for printing and food. Checkbook balance on October 14, 2004 is $1,468.89. Several people questioned why there is no interest income recorded. Amy Schindler will investigate.
IV. Annual Meeting/Program for Spring
Amy reported that The College of Saint Rose is willing to let CAA use the Hubbard Interfaith Sanctuary for a program in late May or early June from 4:30-6:30 pm. The Sanctuary gets booked quickly, so we need to give Jean Root Green several possible dates, which Amy Schindler will do. We will use the library and meeting space in the lower level of the Sanctuary, but attendees will also be allowed to visit the main level. Food is permitted in the lower level. The program will be on religious archives in the area. Amy Rupert and John Diefenderfer may be willing to find speakers, but neither were at the meeting. Amy Schindler will contact them.
V. MARAC/NYAC/CAA Albany Meeting
Amy Schindler announced that people are needed to lead restaurant tours on Friday evening. Rachel Donaldson, Bonnie Weddle and Craig Carlson tentatively agreed to lead trips to Mamoun’s, Shades of Green, and El Mariachi respectively. Amy also asked people to consider volunteering for a two hour shift at the registration desk and for staffing the hospitality suite.
VI. Capital Region Archives Dinner 2005
Susan D’Entremont announced that she is co-chair of the committee this year. A motion was passed that CAA would co-sponsor the 2005 dinner.
VII. Other Business
Amy Schindler announced that any items for the CAA newsletter should be sent to John Diefenderfer by the end of the week. Several ideas for future newsletters were discussed. Amy will bring these ideas to John.
Bonnie Weddle announced that funding for the National Historic Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) is eliminated in President Bush’s proposed budget. Bonnie distributed information on the campaign to stop the elimination of NHPRC. People in Rep. Sweeney’s district are especially urged to write to him as soon as possible. Bonnie will keep CAA informed of additional actions we can take.
Bonnie also announced that Governor Pataki is again proposing pulling the State Archives, State Library and State Museum out of the Education Department and into a public benefit corporation. Current court decisions about the governor’s authority confuse the issue. Bonnie will keep CAA members up to date.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan D’Entremont